WAVESIX logo and title

Track what works for you

Start tracking your lifestyle, health and wellbeing to discover what works for you and what doesn’t.

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Gif of a hand showing the app
Triangle made of triangles
Nutrition icon
Movement icon
Sleep icon
Self icon
Relationships icon
Relaxation icon

WAVESIX is an app that tracks six key aspects of your lifestyle

WAVESIX can give you powerful insights on what’s having a positive or negative impact on your health and happiness. It’s a tool that empowers you to take charge of your own wellbeing.

Why is WAVESIX different?

The WAVESIX approach is holistic. It’s not just about fitness or food, because your sleep matters too. So does the time you spend with other people. And what you do to relax. All these things and more have a profound impact on your health and happiness.

Hand using the app

Spot the connections

It’s only when you start tracking these different aspects of your life that you can understand how they affect you – and see the connections between them. Once you notice how one thing affects another you can begin to make changes.

And because WAVESIX is both easy to get started with, user-friendly and customisable, it puts you in control.

Find out more about WAVESIX

What impact does WAVESIX have?

WAVESIX helps you identify patterns that have previously been invisible to you.

nutrition and self

The food that affects your skin.

feeling and relationships

The person who brings you down.

sleep and movement

The activity that impacts your sleep.

feelings and movement

The habits that give you energy.

question and nutrition

The ingredient that causes your fatigue.

relaxation and feelings

The actions that make you feel confident and happy.

App screen showing the calendar

Small changes have big impact

One small change can have knock-on effects that ripple through all aspects of your life.

WAVESIX gives you the feedback to make that small change successfully. It’s the key to taking charge of your own health and happiness.

More about the App

What do people say

Don’t just take our word for it! See what other users have to say about WAVESIX.

It encouraged me to think about what I am doing for myself.

I loved the design / logo! I also think the concept has loads of potential so I’m keen to see how it evolves.

It made me realise how much time I spend alone and how that might be impacting my mood/ general wellbeing, which was helpful.


Julia’s Story

Julia Marshall-Wessendorf, the Founder of WAVESIX, came up with the idea for the app after witnessing a need for it herself.

Read more about Julia’s journey