Work with WAVESIX

We welcome collaborations and partnerships to explore the different ways WAVESIX can be used.

Julia and a developer looking at a laptop

What’s next for WAVESIX?

We are keen to do more with it and have a series of new features planned, including:

Icon of a watch

Linking to external trackers

Icon showing a data tree

Machine learning to gain insights

Icon of people

Multiple profiles

Icon of camera

Adding photos to entries

Icon of stethoscope

Symptom tracker

Icon of clock


Icon of a pencil

Adding notes to entries

Icon of an umbrella

Linking directly to weather

How we could work with partners

WAVESIX has the potential to be used by a range of healthcare practitioners and organisations to provide important insights into the value of different interventions.

WAVESIX is a powerful tool that offers a wide variety of ways to track behaviour, physical and mental health. We are looking for partners with whom we can collaborate to explore its full impact.

We believe there is great potential to partner with organisations working in these areas and many more.

  • WAVESIX app is an effective tool for monitoring the impact of specific interventions in health and wellbeing.
  • WAVESIX can help those with mental health issues record how their moods and mental patterns change.
  • WAVESIX powerfully motivates those making lifestyle changes and helps individuals identify improvements.
Julia at conference talking to another woman

Meet our Team

We’re still growing! Let us know if you’d like to be part of the journey.

Headshot of Julia

Julia Marshall-Wessendorf

Founder & CEO

Julia founded WAVESIX to help others with all the knowledge and experience she gained on her own health journey.

Julia had a successful career as a landscape architect and set designer.

Headshot of Max

Max Wessendorf

Machine Learning Advisor

Max advices on the machine learning aspect of the app.

He studied Computer Sciences at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany, and now works as a Machine Learning Engineer at askui.

Headshot of Debbie

Debbie Wakeford

Legal Advisor

Gold wavesix wire logo

Would you like to work with us?

If you’re interested in working with us or investing in developing WAVESIX – whether you’re a business, a health or wellbeing practitioner or organisation, or a university – we look forward to hearing from you.

Let’s collaborate!